Is your workforce development program reaching its full potential?
Explore best practices and innovative digital wallet solutions to maximize every dollar.
Effective workforce development policies and programs are crucial for economic growth and healthy communities. According to the National Governors Association, workforce development continues to be a bipartisan focus in their 2024 State of the State addresses. Governors across the country are investing in a comprehensive range of workforce development efforts, including investing in education and training programs, aligning training with labor market needs through partnerships with the private sector, promoting apprenticeships and work-based learning, and supporting adult education and upskilling programs.
States Leading the Way in Workforce Development
From Colorado’s incentives for businesses that train workers to North Dakota’s focus on in-demand skills, states are putting their money where their mouth is. We’re seeing bold investments and innovative new programs designed to create a skilled and adaptable workforce.
One example is Michigan – In February, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proposed a one-time investment of $20 million for the Going Pro Talent Fund, which will provide workers with short-term training to fill specific identified skills gaps. [Source]
As Whitmer put it, "We need to better prepare students for success after they graduate, whether they enter the workforce, community college, trade school, or a four-year university. There is no ‘correct’ path. It all depends on the person. What we can do is get them ready…We must support our kids from pre-K through postsecondary to prosperity." [Source]
A few states making notable strides in workforce development funding and programs:
- North Carolina: The Golden LEAF Foundation’s Workforce Preparedness Initiative supports projects that align worker skills with business needs. The focus is on industry-recognized credentials, career exploration, and work-based learning. [Source]
- Colorado: The state’s Career Development Incentive Program provides financial support to businesses that create new jobs with training components for unemployed workers. [Source]
- Indiana: Indiana’s Next Level Jobs program offers tuition-free training programs in high-demand fields with an emphasis on underrepresented populations. [Source]
Success Stories
These programs are changing lives:
Sarah, a single mother in Charlotte, North Carolina, worked two jobs to support her family but struggled to make ends meet. She accessed scholarships through a Golden LEAF Foundation-funded program to complete her Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certification. Sarah now works full-time at a local hospital with benefits and a salary that provides a livable wage, setting a strong example for her children. [Source]
Jose, an immigrant from Mexico, struggled with inconsistent employment before discovering Indiana’s Wayne Township Adult Education program. Determined to create a better future for his family, he pursued a dental assistant certification. Despite the challenges of working and studying, Jose passed his certification exam and quickly landed a higher-paying job at a local dental office. This career shift provides financial stability, a better work-life balance, and promising opportunities for further growth. [Source]
With this spotlight and surge of funding comes a pertinent question:
Are we truly maximizing the impact of every dollar?
Despite these positive examples, challenges hinder the maximum utilization of workforce funding across many cities and states:
- Accessibility: The process of applying for and receiving funds can be complex and bureaucratic, discouraging eligible individuals.
- Tracking and Reporting: Agencies may struggle to accurately track funds and their impact, making it difficult to justify spending to taxpayers.
- Limited Flexibility: Funds are often tied to specific programs, reducing the ability to tailor them to fit individual needs or changing market conditions.
The Digital Wallet Difference
Digital wallets, like ClassWallet’s platform, can revolutionize the management and accessibility of workforce development funds:
- Ease of Use: Recipients can access and manage funds conveniently from their mobile devices.
- Transparency and Compliance: Real-time tracking of spending patterns ensures funds are used for approved purposes, which helps increase taxpayer confidence.
- Empowerment: Users gain more control and can directly select the training or resources that best fit their needs.
- Streamlined Reimbursements: Employers are reimbursed quickly and efficiently on ClassWallet’s platform, which can easily handle multiple funding sources, providing transparency and compliance and reducing administrative burdens.
The Future of Workforce Development
By embracing the power of public funding and leveraging innovative technologies, states can unlock the full potential of workforce development programs. The goal is to ensure the right individuals receive the right support, maximizing the return on public investment and building a strong workforce for the future.