Digital Wallet Technology: Changing the Way School Districts Manage Staff Spending

In recent years, technological innovations have had a significant impact on the way American children learn. Instead of pencils, paper, books and chalkboards, students now have access to smartboards, educational software, eBooks and other emerging technologies that are disrupting the traditional classroom. Recent trends are showing that technological innovations are making their way into the … Continue reading “Digital Wallet Technology: Changing the Way School Districts Manage Staff Spending”

What is a Digital Wallet? And Why Your School District Needs to Adopt the Technology

The 2021-22 school year is now underway, and we are well into the 21st century. The digital revolution, which marked a move from analog electronic and mechanical devices to the digital technology available today, began more than 40 years ago. And a much more efficient means of handling expenditures—digital wallets—first came on the scene more … Continue reading “What is a Digital Wallet? And Why Your School District Needs to Adopt the Technology”
