ClassWallet News: CARES Act, Ship-to-Home Class Supplies, and more


From the CEO


Over the past few months, teachers have had to go to the extremes – digging deeper into their own pockets to continue educating students during the Covid-19 pandemic. When the new school year begins, their students will return with significant learning gaps, delayed academic progress and a host of new emotional dysfunctions. Teachers will need to be nimble to efficiently meet student needs in an unpredictable future. This is a defining moment for education leadership to recognize that empowering teachers with a classroom budget they can call their own is essential to a successful transition to the post-Covid school environment.

CEO, ClassWallet

Exciting News

ClassWallet for CARES Act and USDoE Grants

We have received numerous inquiries to explore the ClassWallet solution as a potential partner for CARES Act and USDoE grant management. Of course, this is ClassWallet’s core competency and we are here and ready to assist. ClassWallet has done statewide grants management implementations in several states. Please contact me by replying to this email if ClassWallet can help you achieve your funding impact goals and objectives.

ClassWallet Ship-to-Home Helps Over 17,000 Teachers

When teachers had to shift teaching from the school building to their homes, ClassWallet immediately took action. We quickly implemented a feature that allowed teachers to change their shipping address from the school building to their home address. Over the past several weeks, 17,072 packages of learning materials were shipped to teachers’ houses allowing the teachers to continue educating students with all the resources they needed.

ClassWallet Virtual Lunch & Learns a Huge Success; Thank you!

Since we started our zoom virtual lunch and learn series, the following ClassWallet customers have volunteered to share first hand with their peers how ClassWallet saved countless hours of bookkeeping time and dramatically reduced the amount of paperwork and receipts they had to process: Gilchrist County School District (FL), Garfield School District (UT), Wilcox County School District (AL), School District of Osceola County (FL), Ogden CIty Schools (UT), Little Rock School District (AR), Lenoir City Schools (TN), Lisa Academy Charter School (AR), Talladega City School District (AL) and Chicago Foundation for Education (IL). A big shout out and thank you to all of you for taking time out of your busy schedules in order to share!

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ClassWallet addresses the pain of managing checks, reimbursements, paper receipts, and the paperwork associated with tracking expenditures for school systems. The platform makes the accounting and audit trail very easy and helps reduce administrative costs.