ClassWallet for the hard-to-track
Education Emergency Relief funded programming
Maximize impact by minimizing administration
☑ Homeless Students
☑ Internet Connectivity
☑ Learning Loss
☑ Mental Health
☑ Devices
☑ Summer Enrichment Programs
☑ Tutoring
☑ Afterschool Programming
What We Do
When programs fall outside the ordinary course of your business, reporting & compliance can mean more paperwork
While maintaining the highest levels of oversight and control, ClassWallet eliminates paperwork and manual processes, and gives users a nimble way to purchase goods and services.
establish what they can buy, where they can buy it, and how much they can spend.
automates the receipt collection, approval workflow, data reconciliation and transaction settlement.
Your Agency
maximizes impact of GEER, ESSER & EANS funds and gets all the reporting fully reconciled in a completely paperless and automated manner
Popular Platform Features for GEER, ESSER & EANS
Make GEER, ESSER & EANS funds easier to track
○ Learning Loss ○ EANS ○ Summer Enrichment Programs ○ Homeless Students ○ Mental Health ○ Internet Connectivity ○ Tutoring ○ Devices ○ After School Programming
ClassWallet's suite of features allows you to meet challenging GEER, ESSER & EANS program reporting and audit objectives without missing a beat.
The Country's Leading Platform for Education Emergency Relief
ClassWallet is used by education agencies across the country
Suite of Solutions
A Complete Solution for all your Education Emergency Relief needs
For Teachers
Direct funding to educators for supplemental resources to address learning loss and mental health.
For Students & Families
Help families pay for summer camp, afterschool programming, hotspots, devices, tutors, and mental health therapy.
For Maintenance Crews
Track facilities maintenance transactions to education emergency relief related objectives.
Learn how ClassWallet can help
Ready to find out more?
Reach out to an account representative and discover how ClassWallet can work for you and your organization.